Pagels, Nathalie
Pagels Farbkonzepte: Colour Consulting Guide
Regular price
€13,93 zzgl. 7% MwSt.
€14,90 incl. 7% MwSt.
Colour designer Nathalie Pagels has achieved what many in the industry have been waiting for: She has summarised the essence of colour and its application briefly and comprehensibly in her guide to colour design. Her guide is both an introduction and a summary. It is a tool for designers and a valuable argumentation aid for customer advisors. The author sees herself as an interpreter between industry, crafts, science, art, companies and end customers - in order to make the language of "colour" understandable to all those involved in the same way.
Verlag: Muster-Schmidt Verlagsgesellschaft
Verlag: Muster-Schmidt Verlagsgesellschaft