Imprint – Muster-Schmidt Webshop


Muster-Schmidt Head Office

Publishing Company Hans Hansen-Schmidt mbH
Business address: Am Westerberg 11 37130 Gleichen
Production and administration:
Schuhstraße 1/6
37154 Northeim-Sudheim
Tel.: (0 55 51) 9 08 42-0 Fax: (0 55 51) 9 08 42-29
E-mail: info(at)

Commercial Register Göttingen: HRB 2800
Sales tax identification number: DE 178 852 940

Muster-Schmidt  RAL-Farbkartenvertrieb
Schuhstraße 1/6 37154 Northeim-Sudheim
Tel.: (0 55 51) 9 08 42-0
Fax: (0 55 51) 9 08 42-29
E-mail: info(at)

Commercial Register Göttingen: HRB 1068
Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE 115 300 968
Managing Director and responsible in the sense of § 10 paragraph 3 of the State Treaty on Media Services: Alexandra Gerhardy


The present contents of the Verlagsgesellschaft Hans Hansen-Schmidt mbH website are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. The use of the texts and illustrations, even in part, without our prior written consent violates the provisions of copyright law and is therefore illegal. This applies in particular to all exploitation rights such as reproduction, translation or use in electronic systems. Registered trademarks, trade names, utility models and logos are used on our website. Even if these are not marked as such at the respective places, the corresponding legal provisions apply.


Verlagsgesellschaft Hans Hansen-Schmidt mbH is responsible as a content provider according to §8 of the German Teleservices Act for its "own content" which it makes available for use. Although all content is carefully checked and constantly updated, we cannot guarantee that it is complete, correct and up to date. We are therefore not liable for any damages in connection with the use of this content. Likewise, we are not liable for the contents of external websites which are linked from our site.

Producer of this website

dtp studio oldenburg
c/o Dipl. Oec. Holger Everding - Grünteweg 31 - 26127 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel. 0441-3001807 -

Privacy policy

The protection of your privacy and thus of your personal data is our top priority. Therefore, we would like to inform you here about how we use and protect your data. We attach great importance to complying with all legal provisions on data protection. All personal data provided by you (title, name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number, bank details, credit card number) will be collected, processed and stored exclusively in accordance with the provisions of German data protection law.

Personal data is only collected if you voluntarily provide it to us as part of your order for goods or when registering for newsletters or other services. We use the data you provide to fulfil and process your order. Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties or otherwise transferred if this is necessary for the purpose of contract processing or billing or if you have given your prior consent. In the context of order processing, the service providers we use (e.g. carriers, logisticians) receive the necessary data for order and order processing. The data passed on in this way may only be used by our service providers to fulfil their tasks. Any other use of the information is not permitted and does not take place with any of the service providers entrusted by us. Once the contract has been fully processed and the purchase price has been paid in full, your data will be blocked for further use and deleted after expiry of the retention periods under tax and commercial law, unless you have expressly consented to the further processing and use of your data.

In accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act, you have the right to free information about your stored data. In addition, you have the right to correct incorrect data, block and delete your personal data, provided that there is no legal obligation to retain such data. For this and other questions on the subject of personal data, please contact our support team at

Your personal data made available to us is secured by taking all technical and organisational security measures so that it is inaccessible to unauthorised third parties. When sending very sensitive data or information, it is advisable to use the postal service, as complete data security cannot be guaranteed by e-mail.

We will update this policy from time to time to protect your personal information. If we make any material changes to the collection, use or disclosure of the personal information you provide to us, we will notify you by placing a clear and prominent notice on the website. By using the Website, you agree to the terms of this Personal Data Protection Policy.