Schiefer, Olga / Schiller, Renate
Da lebt die Farbe auf unter den Fingern…
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About art and art education
The artistic is a means of understanding and exploring the world. In Waldorf education, art is both the method and the goal. This publication examines how lively art lessons can be designed without slipping into the programmatic. The arc is stretched from the first to the twelfth grade and placed on the basis of the curriculum in the area of painting and drawing. Furthermore, the observations are embedded in a comparison with the visual arts up to the present day. Coming entirely from the origin of the practice, the considerations allow a broader view of the importance of artistic creativity in schoolchildren and young people and provide incentives for one's own work. In addition, all art lovers who embark on this foray through the fine arts will get their money's worth. The diversity of artistic creation is made tangible using numerous example works from art history and practical examples from art classes.
Publisher:Verlag Freies Geistleben
Weight (g):1520
The artistic is a means of understanding and exploring the world. In Waldorf education, art is both the method and the goal. This publication examines how lively art lessons can be designed without slipping into the programmatic. The arc is stretched from the first to the twelfth grade and placed on the basis of the curriculum in the area of painting and drawing. Furthermore, the observations are embedded in a comparison with the visual arts up to the present day. Coming entirely from the origin of the practice, the considerations allow a broader view of the importance of artistic creativity in schoolchildren and young people and provide incentives for one's own work. In addition, all art lovers who embark on this foray through the fine arts will get their money's worth. The diversity of artistic creation is made tangible using numerous example works from art history and practical examples from art classes.
Publisher:Verlag Freies Geistleben
Weight (g):1520